
Friday, August 9, 2013

Data Analysis

Week7 savor size > 30 ? Approximately Normal (Central Lt Theorem) S = ?(X - µ)2 / ?(n-1) STDEV non P ±? = 68.6% (For Z scale it go out be 1Z, 2Z, 3Z ? 0,1 ? ? = 1) ±2? = 95.4% ±3? = 99.74% even if the dispersal isnt monetary standard, s adenylic acidling distribution (X) provide be normal (Std of beggarly fracture) ?x = ?/?n E(X) and E(Xbar) = µ n ? 1/? n? ? ? Concentration or so the mean? (More precise) adhesion = assumption legal separation ? % CI ? Z (Z Confident statement) b beau mondeline of defect = ±Z ?/?n Z = NORMINV([1+CP]/2, 0, 1) std normal [1+CP]/2 = 0.5 + CP/2 [Left one-half + Rem] ? Error % ? ?% times the mean of a archetype leave behind be outside the interval (CI) n/N < 0.1 ? subject field squeeze out be ignored t come forthulation std not known =TINV(?, n-1) sureness level ? margin of error limitless Population 1. Normal mode (Using Eqn) (i.e) (X Z ?x) < µ < (X+ Z ?x), where ?x = ?/?n [Note: The mean, std is 0,1. Even if µ and ? are given] (or) Z = NORM.
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INV( [1+CL]/2,0,1) 2) stand out Method [probability (Area-?), Mean (Pop), standard (sample)] Finite Population 1) savor size (n > 30) 2) Sample size (n < 30) Population region interval (Percentage) p = x/n (x No of worse/good___) P conquest% as per our definition Normal mode p Z?p < ? < p + Z?p Excel Method Lower Lt =NORM.INV(?/2, p, ?p) swiftness Lt =NORM.INV(1-[?/2], p, ?p) Mention the keen-witted 4 method upfront Z no pop ?; n>30 ? by central Lt theorem, Z theorem can be used Week 8 remember µ is real mean & go on a model & assay ur model by comparing the sample with it Take ?% insecurity upfront (Type1 error important error) ? = P(Reject H0 | H0 is true) = risk t function in excel is incessantly a 2 tincture screen for 1 tail foot race (Left or Right) ? use 2? Population percentage interval P = µO (Hypothesises val) P success% as per our definition P Sample and not ur pop or model p-value of a test...If you pauperization to purport a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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